Oklahoma Association
of Community Action Agencies

2800 N.W. 36th
Suite 221
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(405) 949-1495
(405) 949-0955




Head Start


Success Stories-What Parents Say About Head Start

   Head Start is a great program not only for kids but for the parents also. In my life, Head Start has helped me in several different ways. One example is it makes my son excited to learn. He is always up for a challenge when it comes to learning. He comes home everyday saying how much fun he had and what he learned that day. He always has something good to say. But he does not want the teaching to stop at school. He always wants to learn more so I put a special time for him to read books he thinks are interesting. He tells me he learned this or that at school. He is so smart because of Head Start. They have taught him things I would not know how to teach him. Sometimes he even comes home and tries to teach my other kids how to do something he learned at school. It is also hard to focus so much attention on him since I have two other children that are not in school.
   Another way Head Start has helped me is by teaching him all of the things he needs to know so I do not have to work with him everyday. This allowed me to go back to college. I am almost done with my associate's degree in business administration. I could not have done any of this without the great people that have taught my son what he knows today. Now instead of teaching him things slowly I feel I can teach him things quicker because he thinks it is fun and exciting. His willingness to learn is also going to show my other kids that learning and going to school is exciting and full of fun. I think when my other two kids get into the Head Start program they will feel the same about learning as my son does. I am truly grateful to the Head Start program. They have been a light in a dark tunnel.
Southwest Oklahoma Community Action Group

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